Core Classes
At Tempe Elementary, our students are equipped with the core skills, critical thinking, adaptability, communication skills, love of learning, community mindset, and empowered sense of self they need to navigate, take on new challenges, and succeed in an ever-changing world - today, tomorrow, and for life.
Our passionate teachers and staff believe that all students want to learn, can learn, and demonstrate success in individual ways. In combination with our unique, innovative, and future-ready approach to instruction, Tempe Elementary Schools adheres to the academic standards set by the Arizona Department of Education from kindergarten to 8th grade.
English Language Arts (ELA)
Tempe Elementary Schools currently uses the Harcourt Journeys core reading program to teach ELA standards, which includes all of the components of Early Literacy Skills: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension.
The comprehensive reading program consists of a 90-minute daily core reading block, including both whole and small group instruction.
Kindergarten Key Concepts
Competency with counting and the relationship to quantity
Understanding of addition and subtraction and various strategies for addition and subtraction within 10
Place value understanding of whole numbers through 19
Tempe students have a strong mathematical foundation built from BLUEPRINT and the core mathematics program enVision.
This foundation enables the students to expand their knowledge, interpret information, make reasonable decisions, and solve complex problems using various approaches. The students have opportunities to look at the connection between daily life and how the content standards apply. Student work focuses on conceptual understanding, as the focus of learning can be applied easily to other mathematical practices.
1st Grade Key Concepts
Understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20
Competency of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones through 100
Understanding of linear measurement
Tempe students have a strong mathematical foundation built from BLUEPRINT and the core mathematics program enVision.
This foundation enables the students to expand their knowledge, interpret information, make reasonable decisions, and solve complex problems using various approaches. The students have opportunities to look at the connection between daily life and how the content standards apply. Student work focuses on conceptual understanding, as the focus of learning can be applied easily to other mathematical practices.
2nd Grade Key Concepts
Extend place value understanding of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in hundreds, tens and ones
Competency of strategies for addition and subtractionUnderstanding of standard units of measure
Understanding of standard units of measure
Tempe students have a strong mathematical foundation built from BLUEPRINT and the core mathematics program enVision.
This foundation enables the students to expand their knowledge, interpret information, make reasonable decisions, and solve complex problems using various approaches. The students have opportunities to look at the connection between daily life and how the content standards apply. Student work focuses on conceptual understanding, as the focus of learning can be applied easily to other mathematical practices.
3rd Grade Key Concepts
Extend understanding of place value of multi-digit numbers to 1000
Fluently add and subtract multi-digit numbers to 1000
Competency in multiplication and division and strategies for multiplication and division within 100
Understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area
Understanding of fractions as numbers, especially unit fractions
Tempe students have a strong mathematical foundation built from BLUEPRINT and the core mathematics program enVision.
This foundation enables the students to expand their knowledge, interpret information, make reasonable decisions, and solve complex problems using various approaches. The students have opportunities to look at the connection between daily life and how the content standards apply. Student work focuses on conceptual understanding, as the focus of learning can be applied easily to other mathematical practices.
4th Grade Key Concepts
Extend understanding of place value to multi-digit numbers
Fluently add and subtract multi-digit numbers
Competency with multi-digit multiplication
Understanding of dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends
Understanding of fraction equivalence, addition, and subtraction of fractions with like denominators
Multiplication of fractions by whole numbers
Tempe students have a strong mathematical foundation built from BLUEPRINT and the core mathematics program enVision.
This foundation enables the students to expand their knowledge, interpret information, make reasonable decisions, and solve complex problems using various approaches. The students have opportunities to look at the connection between daily life and how the content standards apply. Student work focuses on conceptual understanding, as the focus of learning can be applied easily to other mathematical practices.
5th Grade Key Concepts
Competency in dividing and fluency in multiplying whole numbers through the application of understanding of place value and multiplication and division
Understanding in performing operations with decimals to hundredths and estimating by rounding
Understanding of multiplication of fractions and division of fractions in limited cases (unit fractions divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions)
Tempe students have a strong mathematical foundation built from BLUEPRINT and the core mathematics program enVision.
This foundation enables the students to expand their knowledge, interpret information, make reasonable decisions, and solve complex problems using various approaches. The students have opportunities to look at the connection between daily life and how the content standards apply. Student work focuses on conceptual understanding, as the focus of learning can be applied easily to other mathematical practices.
Kindergarten Key Concepts
The Sun and Earth’s Surfaces
Living Things
Our hands-on, inquiry-based experiences are designed for our learners to:
- Build Foundational Knowledge
- Encourage Exploration and Inquiry
- Develop Critical Thinking Skills
- Prepare for Future Learning
- Integrate Science with Other Disciplines
These experiences are part of Tempe’s goal to promote scientific literacy and prepare students for success in a world that increasingly values STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.
1st Grade Key Concepts
Light and Sound
Forces and Motion
Natural Resources
Plants and Animals
Our hands-on, inquiry-based experiences are designed for our learners to:
- Build Foundational Knowledge
- Encourage Exploration and Inquiry
- Develop Critical Thinking Skills
- Prepare for Future Learning
- Integrate Science with Other Disciplines
These experiences are part of Tempe’s goal to promote scientific literacy and prepare students for success in a world that increasingly values STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.
2nd Grade Key Concepts
Properties of Materials
Earth’s Changing Landscape
The Sun and the Moon
Life and Energy
Our hands-on, inquiry-based experiences are designed for our learners to:
- Build Foundational Knowledge
- Encourage Exploration and Inquiry
- Develop Critical Thinking Skills
- Prepare for Future Learning
- Integrate Science with Other Disciplines
These experiences are part of Tempe’s goal to promote scientific literacy and prepare students for success in a world that increasingly values STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.
3rd Grade Key Concepts
The Energy in Light and Sound
Information Processing and Living Things
Symbiotic Relationships
Our hands-on, inquiry-based experiences are designed for our learners to:
- Build Foundational Knowledge
- Encourage Exploration and Inquiry
- Develop Critical Thinking Skills
- Prepare for Future Learning
- Integrate Science with Other Disciplines
These experiences are part of Tempe’s goal to promote scientific literacy and prepare students for success in a world that increasingly values STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.
4th Grade Key Concepts
Weather and Natural Hazards
Dynamic Earth
Electricity and Magnetism
Our hands-on, inquiry-based experiences are designed for our learners to:
- Build Foundational Knowledge
- Encourage Exploration and Inquiry
- Develop Critical Thinking Skills
- Prepare for Future Learning
- Integrate Science with Other Disciplines
These experiences are part of Tempe’s goal to promote scientific literacy and prepare students for success in a world that increasingly values STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.
5th Grade Key Concepts
Spaceship Earth
Forces and Energy
Heredity and Animals
Structure and Properties of Matter
Our hands-on, inquiry-based experiences are designed for our learners to:
- Build Foundational Knowledge
- Encourage Exploration and Inquiry
- Develop Critical Thinking Skills
- Prepare for Future Learning
- Integrate Science with Other Disciplines
These experiences are part of Tempe’s goal to promote scientific literacy and prepare students for success in a world that increasingly values STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.
Social Studies
Kindergarten Key Concept
- Children as Citizens
Social Studies for Tempe students in grades K-5 is designed to provide a foundation for understanding key aspects of history, geography, economics, civics, and culture, helping young students develop as informed, responsible, and engaged citizens.
Tempe has embraced an integrated approach and teachers have the opportunity to teach social studies content through English Language Arts. Students are exposed to new and different types of informational texts and document based questions while engaging in an inquiry-based learning opportunities that support the following skill development:
- Building Civic Understanding and Responsibility
- Developing Historical Thinking
- Understanding Geography and Spatial Awareness
- Introduction to Economics
- Appreciation for Cultural Diversity
- Creating Connections Across Disciplines
- Promoting Critical Thinking and Inquiry
- Preparing Students for Informed Citizenship
- Engagement with Local and Global Issues
1st Grade Key Concept
- Communities: Living and Working Together
Social Studies for Tempe students in grades K-5 is designed to provide a foundation for understanding key aspects of history, geography, economics, civics, and culture, helping young students develop as informed, responsible, and engaged citizens.
Tempe has embraced an integrated approach and teachers have the opportunity to teach social studies content through English Language Arts. Students are exposed to new and different types of informational texts and document based questions while engaging in an inquiry based learning opportunities that support the following skill development:
- Building Civic Understanding and Responsibility
- Developing Historical Thinking
- Understanding Geography and Spatial Awareness
- Introduction to Economics
- Appreciation for Cultural Diversity
- Creating Connections Across Disciplines
- Promoting Critical Thinking and Inquiry
- Preparing Students for Informed Citizenship
- Engagement with Local and Global Issues
2nd Grade Key Concept
- The World Around Me
Social Studies for Tempe students in grades K-5 is designed to provide a foundation for understanding key aspects of history, geography, economics, civics, and culture, helping young students develop as informed, responsible, and engaged citizens.
Tempe has embraced an integrated approach and teachers have the opportunity to teach social studies content through English Language Arts. Students are exposed to new and different types of informational texts and document based questions while engaging in an inquiry based learning opportunities that support the following skill development:
- Building Civic Understanding and Responsibility
- Developing Historical Thinking
- Understanding Geography and Spatial Awareness
- Introduction to Economics
- Appreciation for Cultural Diversity
- Creating Connections Across Disciplines
- Promoting Critical Thinking and Inquiry
- Preparing Students for Informed Citizenship
- Engagement with Local and Global Issues
3rd Grade Key Concept
- Arizona Studies (prehistoric to present day)
Social Studies for Tempe students in grades K-5 is designed to provide a foundation for understanding key aspects of history, geography, economics, civics, and culture, helping young students develop as informed, responsible, and engaged citizens.
Tempe has embraced an integrated approach and teachers have the opportunity to teach social studies content through English Language Arts. Students are exposed to new and different types of informational texts and document based questions while engaging in an inquiry based learning opportunities that support the following skill development:
- Building Civic Understanding and Responsibility
- Developing Historical Thinking
- Understanding Geography and Spatial Awareness
- Introduction to Economics
- Appreciation for Cultural Diversity
- Creating Connections Across Disciplines
- Promoting Critical Thinking and Inquiry
- Preparing Students for Informed Citizenship
- Engagement with Local and Global Issues
4th Grade Key Concept
- Regions and Cultures of the Americas (pre-contact Americas to European settlements up to 1763)
Social Studies for Tempe students in grades K-5 is designed to provide a foundation for understanding key aspects of history, geography, economics, civics, and culture, helping young students develop as informed, responsible, and engaged citizens.
Tempe has embraced an integrated approach and teachers have the opportunity to teach social studies content through English Language Arts. Students are exposed to new and different types of informational texts and document based questions while engaging in an inquiry based learning opportunities that support the following skill development:
- Building Civic Understanding and Responsibility
- Developing Historical Thinking
- Understanding Geography and Spatial Awareness
- Introduction to Economics
- Appreciation for Cultural Diversity
- Creating Connections Across Disciplines
- Promoting Critical Thinking and Inquiry
- Preparing Students for Informed Citizenship
- Engagement with Local and Global Issues
5th Grade Key Concept
- United States Studies (American Revolution to Industrial Revolution)
Social Studies for Tempe students in grades K-5 is designed to provide a foundation for understanding key aspects of history, geography, economics, civics, and culture, helping young students develop as informed, responsible, and engaged citizens.
Tempe has embraced an integrated approach and teachers have the opportunity to teach social studies content through English Language Arts. Students are exposed to new and different types of informational texts and document based questions while engaging in an inquiry based learning opportunities that support the following skill development:
- Building Civic Understanding and Responsibility
- Developing Historical Thinking
- Understanding Geography and Spatial Awareness
- Introduction to Economics
- Appreciation for Cultural Diversity
- Creating Connections Across Disciplines
- Promoting Critical Thinking and Inquiry
- Preparing Students for Informed Citizenship
- Engagement with Local and Global Issues
Physical Education (PE)
Tempe Elementary Schools provides all students in grades K-5 Physical Education classes two times a week for 30 minutes.
All instruction is aligned to Arizona Physical Education State Standards. Tempe Elementary Physical Education teachers in the Tempe Elementary School District are appropriately certified and provide both physical and gross motor activities for students.
Elementary PACE Gifted Program
Aguilar provides enrichment opportunities for students identified as gifted from kindergarten to 5th grade through PACE.
All instruction is aligned to the Arizona State Standards outlined by the Arizona Department of Education.