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Dual Language

The mission of the Dual Language program at Aguilar Elementary School is to provide an environment that promotes biliteracy, bilingualism, and biculturalism for students. Through this program, we aim to prepare students for the future with the abilities to listen, speak, read, and write in two languages and foster appreciation for various cultures.

Pillars of Dual Language:

  • Development of fluency and literacy in English and in Spanish for all students
  • Integration of native English speakers and Spanish speakers - ideally, 50% of students in the program are native English speakers and 50% of the students are native Spanish speakers

  • Promotion of bilingualism, biliteracy, cross-cultural awareness, and high academic achievement

A Day in the Life of Dual Language Students

How It Works:

  • Students have two teachers - one English teacher and one Spanish teacher.
  • Students receive equal time instruction time in both languages, switching instructional languages at lunch time.
  • Equal opportunities for Spanish speakers to learn English and English speakers to learn Spanish.
  • Speaking and listening standards are embedded into all content standards.
  • Writing instruction is integrated in all content areas and in both languages.

The Dual Language program at Aguilar Elementary School is currently offered for students in kindergarten through second grade.