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Aguilar Elementary building

Aguilar Elementary School

5800 S Forest Ave, Tempe, AZ 85283

(480) 897-2544
Fax: (480) 838-1179
Attendance:  (480) 897-2544, press 1 when prompted

To report an absence through email, contact and include your name, child's name, grade, teacher, and reason for the absence.

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Peachjar Flyers  

Name Title Phone Number
Matthew Strauss Principal (480) 897-2544
Sonja Long TOSA (480) 897-2544 ext. 4306
Kristen Dunn Counselor (480) 897-2544 ext. 4316
Alexandria Skalka Nurse (480) 897-2544 ext. 4303
Lucia Coronado Parent Liaison (480) 897-2544 ext. 4328