COLORS: Navy blue, black, khaki (solid colors, no patterns)
- Slacks, walking shorts, jumpers, or skorts are welcome
- Corduroy slacks may be worn in cold weather.
- Girls' skorts, jumpers, and skirts must measure no higher than 4 inches from the bottom of the knee
- Boys' shorts may not be longer than 4 inches below the knee
- On P.E. days, navy or khaki shorts must be worn under a skirt or jumper
- No denim, jeans, sweatpants, hip hugger pants, low ride pants, carpenter, cargo, baggy, spandex or leggings may be worn
- Belts, if worn, should be black or brown with no emblem, logo or decoration. Belts should be worn in the belt loops allowing pants to fit at the waist.
- Pants must be free of logos, decals, and emblems